Thursday, August 28, 2014



1 paket mee kuning - celur
Bahan sayuran:
50 sen Taugeh - celur
Sedikit daun sup - hiris nipis
Sedikit daun bawang - hiris nipis
Bawang goreng
4 keping tahu di goreng dan dihiris nipis.
5 biji Cili hijau - dihiris nipis
Limau nipis/limau kasturi - di belah dua
Telur rebus - belah dua

Bahan-bahan kuah:
Sedikit minyak untuk menumis
4 sudu cili kering yang di kisar
3 biji bawang merah - kisar
3 sudu lengkuas yang di kisar
4 batang serai dikisar halus
2 biji bawang putih - kisar
RM 3 udang kering - kisar - lagi banyak lagi sedap.
300gm udang hidup - direbus dan kisar halus
1kg ubi keledek merah - direbus dan blender halus
3 sudu gula atau secukup rasa
garam secukup rasa
Sedikit ajinomoto
4 sudu sos tomato
Air - agak-agaklah

Cara memasak:
Tumiskan bawang merah, bawang putih,lengkuas,serai,cili kering dan udang kering yang telah di kisar hingga naik minyak dan berbau wangi.
Masukkan udang hidup yang dikisar dan air rebusannya sekali.
Masukkan keledek yang telah dikisar dan tambahkan air secukupnya.masukkan garam,gula,aji,sos tomato.
Biarkan mendidih dan siap untuk di hidang dan dimakan.

Selamat Mencuba!!m

1 paket mee kuning - celur
Bahan sayuran:
50 sen Taugeh - celur
Sedikit daun sup - hiris nipis
Sedikit daun bawang - hiris nipis
Bawang goreng
4 keping tahu di goreng dan dihiris nipis.
5 biji Cili hijau - dihiris nipis
Limau nipis/limau kasturi - di belah dua
Telur rebus - belah dua

Bahan-bahan kuah:
Sedikit minyak untuk menumis
4 sudu cili kering yang di kisar
3 biji bawang merah - kisar
3 sudu lengkuas yang di kisar
4 batang serai dikisar halus
2 biji bawang putih - kisar
RM 3 udang kering - kisar - lagi banyak lagi sedap.
300gm udang hidup - direbus dan kisar halus
1kg ubi keledek merah - direbus dan blender halus
3 sudu gula atau secukup rasa
garam secukup rasa
Sedikit ajinomoto
4 sudu sos tomato
Air - agak-agaklah

Cara memasak:
Tumiskan bawang merah, bawang putih,lengkuas,serai,cili kering dan udang kering yang telah di kisar hingga naik minyak dan berbau wangi.
Masukkan udang hidup yang dikisar dan air rebusannya sekali.
Masukkan keledek yang telah dikisar dan tambahkan air secukupnya.masukkan garam,gula,aji,sos tomato.
Biarkan mendidih dan siap untuk di hidang dan dimakan.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Thank you very much to the owner of the blog Kitchen Chaos for the amazing Yam Ring receipe!
I'm glad i found you and the all the receipes you have in your blog. I cant wait to try the Yam Ring and i'm sure it would turn out great! Several years ago i made this recepie but with out the alluminium foil and of course some of the ingredients were diffrent too.I will try this receipe this weekends, inshaAllah.  Hmmm...this is one of my favorite dishes!


dapted from Sinner @ The Waitekere Redneck's Kitchen
Makes 3 yam rings (~280g each) or 2 yam rings (~420g each)
600g yam 
10 tbsps wheat starch
10 tbsps boiling water
1 tsp salt
2 tbsps vegetable shortening
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp Chinese 5-spice powder
1 handful dried glass noodle
enough oil for deep frying - See more at:
600 gms yam
10 tablsp wheat starch
10 tablsp boiling water
1 tsp salt
1 tablsp vegetable shortening
1/2 tsp Chinese 5-spice powder
1 handful glass dried noodles (suhoon)
oil for deep frying


1.     Peel the yam and cut them into chunks


2.     Bring the yam chuncks to steam in a steamer basket for 15 minutes until soft. Remove from 
        heat and transfer to bowl and mash the yam using a potato masher.

3. Place the what starch in a bowl. Bring some water to a rapid boil. Measure and add 10 tbsps of hot boiling water to the wheat starch. Spend a little time mixing it until the water is well incorporated. Add this wheat starch mixture, salt, shortening, sugar and the 5-spice powder into the mashed yam. Mix with the potato masher until they are well combined.

4. Separate the dough into portions. I'll have the dough weighed and divided into 3 equal portions

5. With each portion, roll, flatten and shape the dough into a strip using just your hands - thickness depending on your personal preference and length according to the size of the yam ring you are aiming for. Stand the strip up (make sure it is stable) and connect the ends.

6. To make the deep frying easier, I have the yam ring rested in a handmade basket made out of the aluminium foils. The idea came from the original recipe in which Sinner had used an aluminium pie dish with some holes made. I just tweaked it a little making my own basket with layers of foils. And to make lowering and removal a little more easier, I secured two opposite ends with the butcher's twine just so I can hold them safe and sound. Place the yam ring into the basket and leave to chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour. This is when you can pack and bring the extra yam ring(s) to freeze for future consumption.

Crispy Yam Ring with Kung Pao Chicken 佛砵宫保雞丁

(A) Crispy Yam Ring 佛砵
Adapted from Sinner @ The Waitekere Redneck's Kitchen
Makes 3 yam rings (~280g each) or 2 yam rings (~420g each)
600g yam 
10 tbsps wheat starch
10 tbsps boiling water
1 tsp salt
2 tbsps vegetable shortening
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp Chinese 5-spice powder
1 handful dried glass noodle
enough oil for deep frying

1. Peel the yam and cut them into chunks.

- See more at:
Crispy Yam Ring with Kung Pao Chicken 佛砵宫保雞丁

(A) Crispy Yam Ring 佛砵
Adapted from Sinner @ The Waitekere Redneck's Kitchen
Makes 3 yam rings (~280g each) or 2 yam rings (~420g each)
600g yam 
10 tbsps wheat starch
10 tbsps boiling water
1 tsp salt
2 tbsps vegetable shortening
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp Chinese 5-spice powder
1 handful dried glass noodle
enough oil for deep frying

1. Peel the yam and cut them into chunks.

- See more at: